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Being Intentional About Releasing Tension

energy intentional stress relief Jan 11, 2023

If you want research-backed energy hacks, here ya go! The worlds highest performers take breaks every 50-52 minutes. Yup, that's right...gotta slow down to speed up.

This helps you sustain your energy over the day (the long run) and don't burnout. Similar to a high performance vehicle, like in NASCAR when the cars take pitstops to reset the car and give the driver a break.  

What can you do on your breaks:lay down, take some deep belly breaths, do a meditation, close your eyes (especially if you stare at a screen all day).

You can go to the break room and take some coworkers with you.

You could shake out your body, dance, bounce up and down.

Release that tension! Relax your body. Realign your body and your thoughts! Don't let the tension build up. 

Stay active, stretch, and maintain that energy so you can go after your goals! 

 If you want more energy tips, apply for coaching with me. 

Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],




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